The Begining of Gotta Believe®

The phrase, Gotta Believe started for me when I was a kid growing up.  Everybody told me I was too small, not good enough, and said I shouldn't be silly to pursue my dreams.  I told myself, I Gotta Believe, especially if no one else did.  

These inspirational words, Gotta Believe, played an important role during a football game in April 2000.  During the game, my coach, Danny White put me into the game when we were trailing 26-10. I threw my first touchdown pass to Chris Horn to bring the score to 26-17.  After that, I went back in the hallway to gain my composure and chanted to myself, "Gotta BelieveGotta Believe".  After waiting and working for this day for so long I knew I had to believe and make it happen.  In the second half of the game, I threw five more touchdown passes leading the team to victory! Throughout this entire process, I kept telling myself, "Gotta Believe".

It was then that those two words inspired me even further. I would form a company named Gotta Believe®, which would provide children with the tools that they need to succeed in sports and more importantly life.  

Gotta Believe is my life motto!   I was always told I couldn't but I believed in myself and accomplished my dreams.  I want to help kids become the best they can be by believing in themselves.

I believe.  Do you? 

-Chad DeGrenier, Founder, Gotta Believe®